Monday, September 21, 2009

It's All Smoke & Mirrors

I am troubled today. I have friends and a husband I trust. I trust in myself. I trust God’s green earth will continue to rotate on its axis. But however will I know which mirrors to trust? I always feel I look the best in my mirror at home. But maybe that’s just because I am used to the lighting and am comfortable in my surroundings? At home this morning I thought I looked great, my husband even told me so. But now here at work my make-up looks too dark, my eyes bloodshot, and my cheeks puffy. At work, the full-length mirror in our ladies’ room is warped. If you look in the left side, you are thin and beautiful and your clothes look great on you. But, if you step just a few inches to the right, you look bumpy, frumpy, and how-did-I-ever-go-to-work-looking-like-this? 

And what about fitting rooms, even at the most high-end stores? It never fails to shock me how nothing looks good. Is it the lighting? Are we too critical of ourselves, having to evaluate ourselves in such a small area with mirrors at all angles? Too much focus on the negative because there is nothing else for us to focus on? I am at a loss. They want you to look good in the clothes so you will buy them, so why aren’t fitting rooms more user-friendly? Put in mirrors that make us look skinny and we will buy, buy, and buy some more!

And who invented fluorescent lighting anyway?  Must have been a man.

“Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that everyone wants to be admired: even I who write this, and you who read this.” ~ Blaise Pascal

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