Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fall Into It

Okay, so just hearing my husband’s grunts and groans from downstairs has given me my topic for today. Football season is here.  He is playing Madden 2010 on his PS3, shouting “run you little bastard!” (Actually, he shouts something that is not quite so politically correct which I will not repeat herein.) He is moaning as if he is in pain, and I imagine the stress and strain he is under is almost unbearable. If he doesn’t press the right button on the controller, he won’t make the field goal. If he covers his mouth when he coughs, he could miss an interception. Or horror of all horrors, if the cat crosses his path between his chair and the TV screen, he could make a fumble.

Football season to me means fall has finally arrived: inhaling cool crisp air, slipping on Ugg-like boots instead of flip-flops, and choosing between butternut or acorn squash at the supermarket. My cooking will soon switch from grilled meats with dry rubs to braised meats with Marsala wine. Just yesterday I switched out my summer clothes to wool and cotton sweaters. Shorter days and heating bills are on the horizon.

Any change of season is a good time for new goals and aspirations, a change of thought process, and a wake-up call that time is trudging along.  Fall is often a hard time to keep those goals as we know winter will soon be rearing its ugly head.  Already I am beginning to feel the urge to hibernate.  But I cannot wait to watch the leaves change color...

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
~Albert Camus

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda I've heard the same grunts and groans from my hubby too. That game is the best and the worst to have around. For myself, I love this season for sure.
