Dear Shoe Gods: Please help me find a pretty pair of platform sandals that has heels less than 6-inches high. I just want a kicky pair of casual summer high-heeled shoes that give me enough height to make me feel important and visible and just a little bit better than everyone else, but that won’t make me topple over head-first when walking down an incline or sprain my ankle as I turn my head to smile at the construction guys who whistle when I walk by.
Right - who am I kidding? I am 41-going-on-42 for God’s sake. And I haven’t been whistled at since who knows when, six-inch heels or not. But have you seen the shoes these days? They are fierce, with your choice of wedge, spike, or platform heels that range from four and a half to 12 inches high! Seriously. I read an article that in this time of recession, extreme high heels are a form of escapism for women. And some men, too, I suppose. But honestly, how can you get through an entire day walking in them? Three catwalk models dropped out of a fashion show because they were required to wear 12-inch heels. No lie.
But I did find a delectable pair of shoes online that had only four-and-a-half-inch heels with a one-inch platform and the reviews on Zappos were impeccable. I received them last night and as soon as I opened the box I laughed and knew I must have been quite delusional when I ordered them. Crazy girl. Whose Kool-Aid were you drinking? You are not Lindsay Lohan clubbing it up at Chateau Marmont every night. You are not a 31-year-old fashionista with a reputation to uphold. You are a woman who works 9 to 5 each day and then some. You are a woman with an ache in her left hip and a pain in her right foot. You are a woman who aspires to vacuum the house more than once a week but knows it will never happen.
But damn, did those shoes look good on my feet! And for a minute they did give me enough height to make me feel important and visible and just a little bit better than everyone else. Ah, escapism!
But sadly, I must now send those precocious shoes packing, back from whence they came. And the search continues…
These shoes are much more dangerous than they appear to the human eye.
Funny that a pair of really nice shoes make us feel good in our heads - at the extreme opposite end of our bodies. ~Levende Waters
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